quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009


"Michael Jackson: Man of Tomorrow

by Klint Finley

When we look at Michael Jackson, I believe we’re looking at the future of our species. Michael is a creature from a future in which we’ve all become more feminine, more consumerist, more postmodern, more artificial, more self-constructed and self-mediating, more playful, caring and talented than we are today. But it’s hard to use those adjectives, because they’re Either-Or adjectives and he’s from the world of Yet-Also, a world I believe we will all come to live in if we’re lucky, a world where there is no more authenticity-by-default-through-brute-necessity and no more “human nature”. A world of pure synthesis, pure self-creation.

Jackson is what all humans will become if we develop further in the direction of postmodernism and self-mediation. He is what we’ll become if we get both more Wildean and more Nietzschean. He’s what we’ll become only if we’re lucky and avoid a new brutality based on overpopulation and competition for dwindling resources. By attacking Jackson and what he stands for — the effete, the artificial, the ambiguous — we make a certain kind of relatively benign future mapped out for ourselves into a Neverland, something forbidden, discredited, derided. When we should be deriding what passes for our normalcy — war, waste, and the things we do en masse are the things that threaten us — we end up deriding dandyism and deviance. And Jackson is the ultimate dandy and the ultimate deviant. He can fly across our Either-Or binaries, and never land. It’s debateable whether he’s the king of pop, but he’s undoubtedly the king of Yet-Also.

Consider all the extraordinary ways in which Michael Jackson is Yet-Also. He’s black yet also white. He’s adult yet also a child. He’s male yet also female. He’s gay yet also straight. He has children, yet he’s also never fucked their mothers. He’s wearing a mask, yet he’s also showing his real self. He’s walking yet also sliding. He’s guilty yet also innocent. He’s American yet also global. He’s sexual yet also sexless. He’s immensely rich yet also bankrupt. He’s Judy Garland yet also Andy Warhol. He’s real yet also synthetic. He’s crazy yet also sane, human yet also robot, from the present yet also from the future. He declares his songs heavensent, and yet he also constructs them himself. He’s the luckiest man in the world yet the unluckiest. His work is play. He’s bad, yet also good. He’s blessed yet also cursed. He’s alive, but only in theory".

source: renegade futurist

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Hello Ju!!
Realy good text about MJ!! I`d never judge him as a bad person, (as many did), actualy it's hard for me to say that someone is "bad" or "evil". Though he was definitly a very unique guy... I could write a lot about him... it's a interesting subject. And I must confess that I felt strange when I heard that he died, I was a little surprised... or something like that (don`t know how to describe)! Anyway, miss you very much! Send my regards to your "life partner", miss him as well!! hehehehehe

Antonio Bitencourt disse...

Se MJ é o futuro, lamento pela minha filha.

bibi move disse...

muito bom o texto.

Anônimo disse...

Oi amiga!!
tb estamos morrendo de saudades!! das conversas, cafes, jogos de tabuleiro... churras.. wii... mil coisas ne?
Aqui realmente eh muuito longe, e engracado os australianos (e nos tb eh claro) temos uma sensacao de isolamento por nao ter nenhuma fronteira! E bem estranho isso...Viajar pra cah pra todo mundo eh uma longa viagem (exceto nova zelandia eh claro :)
enfim, assim que eu achar um lar vou atualizar mais o meu bloguinho para diminuir a distancia!!
